Results for 'Valentine Rodger Miller'

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  1.  94
    Principles of Philosophy.René Descartes, Valentine Rodger Miller & Reese P. Miller - 2009 - Wilder Publications.
    Principles of Philosophy was written in Latin by Rene Descartes. Published in 1644, it was intended to replace Aristotle's philosophy and traditional Scholastic Philosophy. This volume contains a letter of the author to the French translator of the Principles of Philosophy serving for a Preface and a letter to the most serene princess, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Frederick, King of Bohemia, Count Palatine, and Elector of the Sacred Roman Empire. Principes de philosophie, by Claude Picot, under the supervision of Descartes, (...)
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    Principles of Philosophy René Descartes Translated, with Explanatory Notes, by Valentine Rodger Miller and Reece P. Miller Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1983. Pp. xxviii, 325. 135 Dutch guilders. [REVIEW]Thomas Lennon - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (2):368-370.
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    Principles of Philosophy by Rene Descartes; Valentine Rodger Miller; Reese P. Miller[REVIEW]Margaret Osler - 1984 - Isis 75:418-419.
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  4. Beyond Infanticide: How Psychological Accounts of Persons Can Justify Harming Infants.Daniel Rodger, Bruce P. Blackshaw & Calum Miller - 2018 - The New Bioethics 24 (2):106-121.
    It is commonly argued that a serious right to life is grounded only in actual, relatively advanced psychological capacities a being has acquired. The moral permissibility of abortion is frequently argued for on these grounds. Increasingly it is being argued that such accounts also entail the permissibility of infanticide, with several proponents of these theories accepting this consequence. We show, however, that these accounts imply the permissibility of even more unpalatable acts than infanticide performed on infants: organ harvesting, live experimentation, (...)
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  5. Moral awareness.A. Miller Jared, J. Rodgers Zachariah & B. Bingham John - 2014 - In Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks, Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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    In Memoriam: Clarence H. Miller.Stephen Merriam Foley & Katherine Rodgers - 2020 - Moreana 57 (1):v-viii.
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    Clarence H. Miller, Humanism & Style; Essays on Erasmus and More, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Lehigh University Press, 2011, 149 pp. ISBN 978-1-61146-006-3 (cloth); 978-1-61146-007-0. [REVIEW]Katherine Rodgers - 2012 - Moreana 49 (Number 187-49 (1-2):227-230.
  8.  49
    Affiliative reward and the ontogenetic bonding system.Warren B. Miller - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):357-358.
    Miller and Rodgers (2001) proposed a central nervous system based Ontogenetic Bonding System that operates across the life course to promote succorant, 1 affiliative, sexual, and nurturant bonds. I discuss features of this theoretical framework that can inform Depue & Morrone-Strupinsky's (D&M-S's) model. Most important, I suggest that the affiliative reward processes D&M-S describe are better conceptualized as subserving the affect/motivation of affection. Footnotes1 “Succorance” is a term coined by Murray (1938) to describe a general tendency to seek the (...)
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  9.  43
    Peng Shuzhi and the Chinese Revolution: Notes Toward a Political Biography.Joseph T. Miller - 2001 - Historical Materialism 8 (1):265-266.
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    On the Translation of Native American Literatures (review).Anna Carew-Miller - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):163-165.
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    The Theory of Knowledge and Existence.S. Kerby-Miller - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (3):315.
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  12. Ethics codes and sales professionals' perceptions of their organizations' ethical values.Sean Valentine & Tim Barnett - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (3):191 - 200.
    Most large companies and many smaller ones have adopted ethics codes, but the evidence is mixed as to whether they have a positive impact on the behavior of employees. We suggest that one way that ethics codes could contribute to ethical behavior is by influencing the perceptions that employees have about the ethical values of organizations. We examine whether a group of sales professionals in organizations with ethics codes perceive that their organizational context is more supportive of ethical behavior than (...)
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  13. Ethical context, organizational commitment, and person-organization fit.Sean Valentine, Lynn Godkin & Margaret Lucero - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):349 - 360.
    The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships among ethical context, organizational commitment, and person-organization fit using a sample of 304 young working adults. Results indicated that corporate ethical values signifying different cultural aspects of an ethical context were positively related to both organizational commitment and person-organization fit. Organizational commitment was also positively related to person-organization fit. The findings suggest that the development and promotion of an ethical context might enhance employees' workplace experiences, and companies should consider adopting (...)
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  14.  82
    Don A. Habibi, John Stuart Mill and the Ethic of Human Growth, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. vii + 289.J. Joseph Miller - 2003 - Utilitas 15 (1):119.
  15. Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius and Its Reception.David Marshall Miller - 2021 - In David Marshall Miller & Dana Jalobeanu, The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  16. The Impact of Ethical Ideologies, Moral Intensity, and Social Context on Sales-Based Ethical Reasoning.Sean R. Valentine & Connie R. Bateman - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):155-168.
    Previous research indicates that ethical ideologies, issue-contingencies, and social context can impact ethical reasoning in different business situations. However, the manner in which these constructs work together to shape different steps of the ethical decision-making process is not always clear. The purpose of this study was to address these issues by exploring the influence of idealism and relativism, perceived moral intensity in a decision-making situation, and social context on the recognition of an ethical issue and ethical intention. Utilizing a sales-based (...)
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    Moral Intensity, Issue Importance, and Ethical Reasoning in Operations Situations.Sean Valentine & David Hollingworth - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):509 - 523.
    Previous work suggests that moral intensity and the perceived importance of an ethical issue can influence individual ethical decision making. However, prior research has not explored how the various dimensions of moral intensity might differentially affect PIE, or how moral intensity might function together with (or in the presence of) PIE to influence ethical decision making. In addition, prior work has also not adequately investigated how the operational context of an organization, which may embody conditions or practices that create barriers (...)
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  18. The Ethical Decision Making of Men and Women Executives in International Business Situations.Sean R. Valentine & Terri L. Rittenburg - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (2):125-134.
    While a number of studies have examined the impact of gender/sex on ethical decision-making, the findings of this body of research do not provide consistent answers. Furthermore, very few of these studies have incorporated cross-cultural samples. Consequently, this study of 222 American and Spanish business executives explored sex differences in ethical judgments and intentions to act ethically. While no significant differences between males and females were found with respect to ethical judgments, females exhibited higher intentions to act more ethically than (...)
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  19. Speech Matters: On Lying, Morality, and the Law.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    To understand one another as individuals and to fulfill the moral duties that require such understanding, we must communicate with each other. We must also maintain protected channels that render reliable communication possible, a demand that, Seana Shiffrin argues, yields a prohibition against lying and requires protection for free speech. This book makes a distinctive philosophical argument for the wrong of the lie and provides an original account of its difference from the wrong of deception. Drawing on legal as well (...)
  20.  83
    From city-dreams to the dreaming collective: Walter Benjamin's political dream interpretation.Tyrus Miller - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (6):87-111.
    This essay discusses Walter Benjamin's development of 'dream' as a model for understanding 19th- and 20th-century urban culture. Following Bergson and surrealist poetics, Benjamin used 'dream' in the 1920s as an heuristic analogy for investigating child hood memories, kitsch art and literature; during the early 1930s, he also developed it into an historiographic concept for studying 19th- century Parisian culture. Benjamin's interpretative use of the dream cuts across Ricoeur's distinction between the hermeneutics of 'recol lection' and the hermeneutics of 'suspicion'. (...)
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    Nationalism.David Miller - 2006 - In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips, The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
    This article describes the various forms of nationalism in political theory and the varieties of nationalism in practical politics. It discusses various elements of nationalism and suggests that the conception of nationalism depends on how national self-determination is understood. It argues that while nationalism serves to bind people to the place that they regard as their national homeland, it is liable for generating indifference or even hostility towards outsiders.
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    The great realities.Samuel Howard Miller - 1955 - New York,: Harper.
  23.  89
    Role Conflict, Mindfulness, and Organizational Ethics in an Education-Based Healthcare Institution.Sean Valentine, Lynn Godkin & Philip E. Varca - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):455 - 469.
    Role conflict occurs when a job possesses inconsistent expectations incongruent with individual beliefs, a situation that precipitates considerable frustration and other negative work outcomes. Increasing interest in processes that reduce role conflict is, therefore, witnessed. With the help of information collected from a large sample of individuals employed at an education-based healthcare institution, this study identified several factors that might decrease role conflict, namely mindfulness and organizational ethics. In particular, the results indicated that mindfulness was associated with decreased role conflict, (...)
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  24. The Problem of Spontaneous Abortion: Is the Pro-Life Position Morally Monstrous?Bruce P. Blackshaw & Daniel Rodger - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (2):103-120.
    A substantial proportion of human embryos spontaneously abort soon after conception, and ethicists have argued this is problematic for the pro-life view that a human embryo has the same moral status as an adult from conception. Firstly, if human embryos are our moral equals, this entails spontaneous abortion is one of humanity’s most important problems, and it is claimed this is absurd, and a reductio of the moral status claim. Secondly, it is claimed that pro-life advocates do not act as (...)
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    The function of teaching.Arthur Valentine Judges - 1959 - London,: Faber & Faber.
    A series of lectures given... at King's College, London, in 1958.
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    Spanish and american business professionals' ethical evaluations in global situations.Sean R. Valentine & Terri L. Rittenburg - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (1):1-14.
    More ethics research needs to explore the global differences in ethical evaluations. This study explored the relationships among nationality, teleological evaluations, ethical judgments, and ethical intentions using a sample of 222 American and Spanish business professionals. The path analysis indicated that teleological evaluations were related to ethical judgments and that both ethical judgments and teleological evaluations were related to ethical intentions. Executive nationality was related to teleological evaluations and ethical intentions with American individuals having higher teleological assessments and intentions to (...)
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  27.  56
    Spanish and american executives' ethical judgments and intentions.Terri L. Rittenburg & Sean R. Valentine - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):291 - 306.
    This study explores differences between executives in the U.S. and Spain in their perceptions of ethical issues in pricing, specifically comparing a domestic firm's actions affecting a foreign market versus a foreign firm's actions affecting the domestic market. Overall, Spanish and American executives provided somewhat different responses to the scenarios. Findings indicate that ethical judgments and intentions among Spanish executives did not vary based on which country was harmed. U.S. executives generally perceived that a morally questionable act directed at a (...)
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    Ethics codes and professionals' tolerance of societal diversity.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (4):301 - 312.
    Companies often develop codes prescribing an ethical organizational environment. However, the ability of ethics codes to increase individuals' tolerance of diversity is not fully considered in the ethics literature. This relationship was explored using a sample of 143 business and legal professionals. After accounting for the impact of several covariates, results indicated that professionals employed in organizations that had an ethics code were more tolerant of societal diversity than were professionals working in organizations that did not have an ethics code. (...)
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  29.  50
    The Impact of Self-Esteem, Machiavellianism, and Social Capital on Attorneys' Traditional Gender Outlook.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):323 - 335.
    Utilizing a national sample of 106 attorneys and hierarchical regression analysis, this study identified several individual tendencies that could adversely affect women attorneys' career experiences. The findings indicated that self-esteem was negatively associated with a traditional gender outlook, and that Machiavellianism was positively associated with conservative beliefs about gender. Tolerance for diversity was negatively related to a traditional gender outlook, while work-based social agency was positively related to the preference for established gender roles. The results imply that confidence brings about (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Being seen and heard? The ethical complexities of working with children and young people at home and at school.Gill Valentine - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2):141 – 155.
    In the late 1980s and early 1990s a number of key writers within sociology and anthropology criticised much of the existing research on children within the social sciences as 'adultist'. This has subsequently provoked attempts by academics to define new ways of working with , not on or for, children that have been characterised by a desire to define more mutuality between adult and children in research relationships and to identify new ways that researchers can engage with young people. This (...)
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    I—Learning about Deception from Lawyers.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2019 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 93 (1):69-90.
    Legal domains concerned with deception often recognize and regulate cases of negligent deception. The philosophical discussion of deception should follow suit, shifting from an exclusive focus on deception-as-wrongful-manipulation to a broader panorama that includes negligent deception and contemplates cases in which negligent deception may be wrong even when intentional deception about the same information may be permissible. Interesting philosophical questions then arise about what distinguishes negligent deception from mere misunderstandings and mistakes. Those questions require further thought about how relationships involve (...)
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    Ethical reasoning in an equitable relief innocent spouse context.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):325 - 339.
    This study assessed the relationship between ethical reasoning and the decision to grant equitable relief using an innocent spouse vignette where a wife had partial knowledge of her husband''s tax fraud. A path model derived from various ethics theories was tested using a sample of 357 accounting, legal, and human resource professionals, and after careful examination of the measurement and structural relationships in the path model, the results provided partial support for the study''s hypotheses. Moral intensity was marginally associated with (...)
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  33.  80
    The Curious Case of Cramblett v. Midwest Sperm Bank: Centering a Political Ontology of Race and Disability for Liberatory Thought.Desiree Valentine - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):424-440.
    In October of 2014, news outlets began reporting on a case of a lesbian couple suing a sperm bank for receiving the wrong donor's sperm.1 As the lawsuit Cramblett v. Midwest Sperm Bank alleged, not only did the couple receive the wrong donor's sperm but they had specifically chosen a white donor with blonde hair and blue eyes and the sperm they received had been from a black donor.2 Both women were white. The couple gave birth to a black/mixed-race child (...)
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    Historical Perspectives on Climate Change.James Rodger Fleming - 2005 - Oup Usa.
    This intriguing volume provides a thorough examination of the historical roots of global climate change as a field of inquiry, from the Enlightenment to the late twentieth century. Based on primary and archival sources, the book is filled with interesting perspectives on what people have understood, experienced, and feared about the climate and its changes in the past. Chapters explore climate and culture in Enlightenment thought; climate debates in early America; the development of international networks of observation; the scientific transformation (...)
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    Fact and Method.Richard W. Miller - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (3):159-162.
  36. Ectogenesis and the case against the right to the death of the foetus.Bruce P. Blackshaw & Daniel Rodger - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):76-81.
    Ectogenesis, or the use of an artificial womb to allow a foetus to develop, will likely become a reality within a few decades, and could significantly affect the abortion debate. We first examine the implications for Judith Jarvis Thomson’s violinist analogy, which argues for a woman’s right to withdraw life support from the foetus and so terminate her pregnancy, even if the foetus is granted full moral status. We show that on Thomson’s reasoning, there is no right to the death (...)
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    The Moderating Effect of Perceived Organizational Ethical Context on Employees’ Ethical Issue Recognition and Ethical Judgments.David Hollingworth & Sean Valentine - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):457-466.
    When investigating the impact of organizational ethical context on individual ethical decision-making, past work has reported mixed results, with some studies indicating that a strong ethical work environment is associated with increased ethical reasoning, and other studies indicating that such an environment has little to no influence on the way ethical issues are addressed. Given these contradictory findings, we utilize multiple theoretical perspectives to assess the degree to which employees’ perceptions of ethical values, ethical culture, and corporate social responsibility moderate (...)
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    Neurofilaments and neurological disease.Ammar Al-Chalabi & Christopher C. J. Miller - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (4):346-355.
    Neurofilaments are one of the major components of the neuronal cytoskeleton and are responsible for maintaining the calibre of axons. They are modified by post‐translational changes that are regulated in complex fashions including by the interaction with neighbouring glial cells. Neurofilament accumulations are seen in several neurological diseases and neurofilament mutations have now been associated with Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth disease, Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In this review, we discuss the structure, normal function and molecular pathology of neurofilaments. BioEssays 25:346–355, 2003. (...)
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  39.  22
    The Experimental Psychology of Beauty.Paul R. Farnsworth & C. W. Valentine - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (1):114.
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    Interanimal task transfer as a function of dosage of brain and liver RNA injections.G. L. Holt & B. E. Miller - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (1):47-50.
  41.  16
    Chapter Five. Accommodation, Equality, and the Liar.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2014 - In Speech Matters: On Lying, Morality, and the Law. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 157-181.
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    Chapter One. Lies and the Murderer Next Door.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2014 - In Speech Matters: On Lying, Morality, and the Law. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 5-46.
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    The Sublime and the Intellectual Effort: The Imagination In Bergson and Kant.Valentine Moulard-Leonard - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (2):138-151.
  44.  67
    Spooks and spoofs.Elizabeth R. Valentine - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):67-90.
    This article describes the relations between academic psychology and psychical research in Britain during the inter-war period, in the context of the fluid boundaries between mainstream psychology and both psychical research and popular psychology. Specifically, the involvement with Harry Price of six senior academic psychologists: William McDougall, William Brown, J. C. Flugel, Cyril Burt, C. Alec Mace and Francis Aveling, is described. Personal, metaphysical and socio-historical factors in their collaboration are discussed. It is suggested that the main reason for their (...)
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  45.  18
    Citizenship, Identity, Blood Donation.Kylie Valentine - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (2):113-128.
    Blood donation is broadly understood to be a public and altruistic act. However, new theories of citizenship and subjectivity suggest that the individual and embodied qualities of blood also need to be taken into account when examining donation. This article examines the relationship between public and private elements of blood donation. Donating blood is not an entirely public act, and does not provide an entirely impersonal resource. The embodied self is integral to public practices, and, equally, public domains are important (...)
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    Semantic Information and the Syntax of Propositional Attitude Verbs.Aaron S. White, Valentine Hacquard & Jeffrey Lidz - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):416-456.
    Propositional attitude verbs, such as think and want, have long held interest for both theoretical linguists and language acquisitionists because their syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties display complex interactions that have proven difficult to fully capture from either perspective. This paper explores the granularity with which these verbs’ semantic and pragmatic properties are recoverable from their syntactic distributions, using three behavioral experiments aimed at explicitly quantifying the relationship between these two sets of properties. Experiment 1 gathers a measure of 30 (...)
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  47. The Psychology of Communication.George A. Miller - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (4):350-352.
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    (1 other version)Mind and the World-Order.Hugh Miller - 1931 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 38 (2):11-12.
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  49. Democratic law.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2021 - In Democratic Law. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Freedom, Reason, and the Polis: Volume 24, Part 2: Essays in Ancient Greek Political Philosophy.David Keyt & Fred D. Miller (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is the nature of law? Does our obligation to obey the law extend to unjust laws? From what source do lawmakers derive legitimate authority? What principles should guide us in the design of political institutions? The essays in this collection, written by prominent contemporary philosophers, explore how these questions were addressed by ancient political thinkers, including the Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics and Epicureans. Classical theories of human nature and their implications for political theory are examined, as is (...)
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